
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Two Heads Are Better Than One

Even though my little sis and I are five years apart we do tend to act like twins: think alike, talk alike... you get the picture, yet we do have different tastes in food, fashion, etc. These differences come in handy because I love to ask her opinion on pretty much everything just to make sure I haven't jumped off the deep end on a crazy, out-there idea. Most times putting our two heads together usually means my original idea turns into a fabulous end product, so it was bound to happen sooner or later that I would ask her opinion about the blog and get some free labor :-) to help me out on my projects. Then the light bulb turned on....if Little Sis was going to put her two cents on the projects why shouldn't she put that same two cents into the blog. Now readers can get two opinions on all the DIY projects (and get a little insight into our crazy, loving, sisterly relationship! Welcome aboard little sis.

Introducing Gingham Girl!

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